Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Weather Thwarts Flight

Spent last week in San Francisco, California shooting photographs for an article on Airship Ventures. They provide rides in their airships over the area. The views should be spectacular. They fly to other areas around California for special events.

The plan was to come up to their base at Moffett Field and do their two hour flight to get plenty of variety of shots from the air. Unfortunately the first day low clouds caused our flight to be canceled. No problem, we would just go on the shorter bay area flight scheduled for the next day out of Oakland.

As we arrive at the meeting point in Oakland things look like a go. Then we get the bad news, winds were too high for our flight and we were canceled again. Winds are a big deal to airships, as they get blown about pretty easily being lighter than air. Whereas they are capable of flying in the winds of the day, the do not as the ride is very rough, unpleasant and possibly dangerous to passengers. Good call by them, but a disappointment to us.

I did manage to get these shots of the airship when stopped by Moffett for our ground shots. We will be going by soon to take the flight and finish the article.

Orcatek Photography - Phoenix

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